Bennett Joins Bipartisan Effort to Update Terrorist Warning System

Press Release

Date: Feb. 12, 2008
Location: Washington, DC

Senator Bob Bennett (R-Utah) joined his Senate colleagues in an overwhelming bipartisan vote of 68 to 29 to modernize the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), our nation's terrorist warning and surveillance system.

"I am glad this issue is finally settled in a way that protects our country's national security while respecting Americans' civil liberties," said Bennett. "Many of the amendments we had to defeat were ill-advised and I believe the final outcome is the right one."

Today's vote signals the Senate's support for the terrorist surveillance bill, which was voted out of the Senate Intelligence Committee last October with a vote of 13 to 2.

FISA provides an early warning system that equips the U.S. intelligence community and law enforcement officials with the necessary tools to conduct surveillance and collect information from foreign terrorists. Changes in technology over time resulted in an intelligence gap between U.S. officials and terrorists. The FISA legislation passed today will update our nation's surveillance laws and replace the temporary measures enacted last year in the Protect America Act.

The legislation now moves to the House where it is expected to pass before the Protect America Act expires on February 16. The bill will then be sent to the White House for the president's signature.
